2019 “Engineering Affect: Street Politics and Microfoundations of Governance,” Middle East Law and Governance 11, no. 2 (2019): 203-243.
2018 “Audializing the Migrant Body: Sound and Security at the Border,” Security Dialogue 49, no. 6
(2018): 421-437.
“Keeping Time: Sovereignty, Territory, and the Muslim Call to Prayer,” Finalizing for submission to the Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.
“Does Sound Matter? Sirens, the Israeli Defense Force, and Politics in Israel,” Finalizing for submission to International Organization.
“Defense Sirens and Political Attitudes: Fear and Anger on the Israeli-Gazan Border,” Preparing for submission to Perspectives on Politics.
2018 Review of “Living Emergency: Israel’s Permit Regime in the Occupied West Bank,” by Yael Berda. Forthcoming in Journal of Palestine Studies, 189 (Autumn, 2018).
2015 “In Conversation with Michel Agier: Borderlands and Borderman: Toward a New Cosmopolis.” Zolberg Institute for Migration and Mobility (2015).
2008 “Nye/Armitage Report: Steps Toward Restoring U.S. Influence,” Harvard Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
2020 “The Politics of Sound and the Middle East Uprisings,” with host Ezra Karmel. Episode Five of the Middle East Law & Governance Podcast. Online: https://soundcloud.com/user-657363958/episode-5-the-politics-of-sound-and-the-arab-uprisings-with-dr-michelle-weitzel
2018 “Rethinking Security through Sound,” Peace Research Institute Oslo: https://blogs.prio.org/SecurityDialogue/2018/12/rethinking-security-through-sound/.